Vision & Mission


Our Mission is to prepare the innovative and entrepreneurial leaders of the future with the capacity to anticipate and manage change in international business and the professional environment. At IGIT we ensure that our students become complete and successful managers in the shortest period and make a very bright future for better life.

IGIT is committed to provide high quality management education through distance learning across the globe. The key benefit is flexibility of learning anytime anywhere. The curriculum combines latest academic knowledge with international competence. 

Our Vision

  • To give a global perspective.
  • To develop competent and effective professional managers.
  • To foster intellectual excellence.
  • To acquire systematic approach to identification of business problems and their solutions.
  • To teach the practical skills for everyday life.
  • To acquire a broad knowledge of concepts, policies and techniques applicable to efficient administration and management of business.
  • To reach those who either live or are posted in far flung areas of India and have no regular educational facilities.
  • To give opportunity to the students who have left their education due to some unavoidable reasons and now want to continue with their career progression.

What We Believe In